滤芯 LOX
2 冲程低速十字头式柴油机润滑油
真正的 CJC® 滤芯 LOX 是为 2 冲程低速十字头式柴油机主系统润滑油的过滤量身定做的。
- 蒸馏油和混合燃料等级
- 残油等级
- 双燃料
CJC® 滤芯 LOX 专为 2 冲程低速十字头式柴油机系统提供常规润滑剂清洁而设计。
随着对滤芯使用寿命要求的提高,CJC® 滤芯 LOX 具有去除污染的功能,例如:
- 磨损颗粒
- 油降解产物
- 碳烟
- 油泥
- 沥青质
- 水分
此特定的 CJC® 滤芯 LOX
仅适用于以下 CJC® 油品过滤器:
- CJC® 船用润滑油品过滤器适用于达 20,000 千瓦的
2 冲程低速十字头式柴油机 - CJC® 船用润滑油品净化器 27
适用于 2 冲程和 4 冲程柴油机 - CJC® 船用润滑油品净化器 427
适用于 2 冲程和 4 冲程柴油机
Your benefits with CJC®
CJC® Filter Inserts have the highest dirt holding capacity on the market due to special cellulose-based material. Furthermore, the unique construction of the bonded discs, creates a large filtration area resulting in reduced costs of ownership. The CJC® Filter Inserts are a modular design, which allows them to fit any applications and requirements.
- The CJC® Filter Insert features:
- Depth media of moulded cellulose
- Highest Contamination Capacities (DHC)
- 100% natural cellulose fibres from sustainable resources;
no plastic, no metal, no chemical
- Removal of contaminants, 4-in-1:
- Particles:
Lifetime of both oil and component are increased considerably. - Oil degradation products:
Avoid sticking valves, lacquering, and varnish on metal surfaces. - Water:
Reduce the risk of micro-pitting, bacterial growth, sludge etc. - Acidity/TAN:
Reduce oil ageing and wear on equipment.
- Particles:
- OEM requirements
Experience and application knowledge of C.C.JENSEN ensure that CJC® solutions can meet specifications from OEMs on oil cleanliness.
How to ensure Clean & Dry oil
Remember to change CJC® Filter Inserts according to pressure gauge or at least once a year in order to ensure clean & dry oil! - Click here to learn how to replace a CJC® Filter Insert.