degradación del aceite
Evite los problemas relacionados con el envejecimiento del aceite
La degradación del aceite – como productos de la oxidación, resinas, lodos y barnices - es un problema común en muchas industrias. Cualquier lubricante en servicio o almacenado va a degradarse con el tiempo, dependiendo del tipo de aceite, las condiciones de operación y el ambiente.
El proceso de degradación del aceite puede tener efectos negativos en los sistemas de lubricación e hidráulicos y puede resultar en serias consecuencias para el rendimiento de la maquinaria.
Resultados documentados muestran que la eliminación de los productos de la degradación del aceite reduce las paradas de producción y aumenta notablemente la fiabilidad y la vida útil de los componentes costosos del equipo.
Los Filtros Finos CJC® y los Filtros Separadores CJC® van a mantener limpios tanto el aceite como el sistema:
- Aumento de la vida útil del aceite y menos mantenimiento
- Mayor rendimiento del aceite y aumento de la productividad
- Bajo consumo de energía y menos contaminación al medio ambiente
Enlaces sobre degradación del aceite:
- Oil Degradation (Varnish) brochure: información sobre el proceso de degradación: consecuencias, soluciones y métodos de analísis…
- Practicing Oil Analysis
Removing Varnish with Adsorption
Solución simple y efectiva para eliminar los barnices…. - The Filter No 4: En este artículo, usted puede encontrar información sobre los problemas relacionados con la oxidación, (páginas 6-7)
- Estudio de aplicación: Inyección de plástico: Plastic Injection Moulding Machine
Descubra cómo se benefician otros clientes con CJC®: haga clic para descargar
- Embrague Del Freno, Prensa Excéntrica HITACHI, Aceite Lubricante, Nissan Motor Iberica_ASIN5000ES
- Fabricación De Envases-Maquina De Laminacion Aluminio Acero_Aceite Lubricacion_Ball Packaging_ASIN5008ES
- Maquinas Inyeccion Plastico_ENGEL Battenfeld & Ferromatic Milacron_Aceite Hidraulico_ASIN5016ES
- Molino Cemento_Engranajes Horno_FLS TD1500_Aceite Engranajes_Aalborg Portland_ASIN5002ES
Casos de clientes en inglés
- ALSTOM-Gas-Turbine-GT8C2_Turbine-Oil, Combined-Heat-and-Power-Plant_ASIN5146
- Alu. Injection Moulder_Italpress-Pretransa-Idrapress_Hydr Oil_Ruffini_ASIN5048
- Boiler Feed Pumps_Gearbox_VOITH_Lube Oil_Irish Power Station_ASIN5085
- Bow Thruster_Ulstein 150 TV_Supply Vessel_Gear Oil_HIGHLAND_ASMA7015
- Cap Forming Press_Lubricating System_Lube Oil_IN.CAM. FABRICCA_ASIN5102
- Cement Mill Gearbox_Gear Oil_Blue Circle_ASIN5001
- Ceramics Press_Sacmi_Piston Cycles_Hydraulic Oil_Azuliber 1_ASIN5067
- Coal Mill Gear_Babcock MPS 190 Rolling_Gear Oil_Elsam-Studstrup_ASIN5051
- Cooling Tower Fan Gear_Gear Oil_Major UK Power Plant_ASIN5108
- Diesel Engine_MAN B&W Alpha_Training Vessel_Lube Oil_ESMERALDA_ASMA7011
- Diesel Main Engine_SKL 29/24 6 cyl._Bulk Carrier_Lube Oil_BOLIVAR_ASMA7000
- Gas & Steam Turbine GE 109FA, Lube & Hydraulic Oil, Combined Cycle Single Shaft_CCPO6050
- Gas Turbine GE40MW, Lube Oil_Cogeneration Plant_CCPO6052
- Gas Turbine_2xGE 84 MW_CCCP Power Plant_Turbine Oil_Energyworks Cartagena Iberdrola_ASIN5132
- Gas Turbine_7FA_Electric Power Plant_Turbine Lube & Control Oil_GE Energy US_ASIN5080
- Gas Turbine_GE 7FA-300 MW_CCGT Power Plant_Turbine Oil_Combined-Cycle Generation USA_ASIN5133
- Gas Turbine_Siemens 501F_Control System_Turbine Control Oil_Florida_ASIN5117
- Gas Turbine_Turbomach 7.5 MV_Lube&Hydr Oil_Onda Cogeneracion_ASIN5070
- Gear Box Industrial_Conveyor Belts_Coal Terminal_BMA Hay Point_ASIN5050
- Hatch Cover_MacGregor Navire_Reefer Vessel_Hydr Oil_LAURITZEN_ASMA7013
- Heat Transfer Oil Plant_Food Processing Industry_Daloon_ASIN5042
- Holcroft Conveyor Furnace_Quench Oil_Nissan Motor_ASIN5068
- Hydraulic Power Pack_Debutter_Sawmill_Hydr Oil_Balcas Timber_ASIN5112
- Hydraulic Power Unit (HPU)_Flight Simulators_Hydraulic Oil_Boeing US_ASIN5084
- Hydraulic Press (15.000 ton) Plate Heat Exchanger_Hydraulic Oil_Funke Warmeaustauscher_ASIN5125
- Hydraulic Presses_Hydraulic Oil_Grundfos DK_ASIN5107
- Hydraulic System-Central_Fishing Vessel_Hydraulic Oil_ATRIA_ASMA7004
- Hydraulic System-Traditional_Fishing Vessel_Hydraulic Oil_BRITTA_ASMA7005
- Hydraulic System_Fishing Vessel_Hydraulic Oil_SARDIS_ASMA7007
- Hydro Power_Francis53MW-Govenor&Thrust Bearing_Turbine Oil_USArmy_ASIN5081
- Hydro Power_Govenor Oil Syst_Oil Storage Tank_Turbine Oil_US Army_ASIN5082
- Hydro Turbine Power Plant_Regulating Circuit_Turbine Oil_Hafslund ASA_ASIN5018
- Hydro Turbine_Boving Control System_Turbine Oil_ASIN5019
- Hydro Turbine_Govenor_Turbine Oil_Statkraft Region Nord Norge_ASIN5024
- Hydro Turbine_Speed Control System_Turbine Control Oil_Endesa Generacion_ASIN5056
- Hydroelectric Power Plant_Governor Oil_Hydraulic Turbine Control Oil_CCPO6053UK
- IPSEN Chamber Furnace_Quenching Oil_DURA Automotive Systems_ASIN5131
- IPSEN Champer Furnace_Quenching Oil_KNIPEX_ASIN5130
- Lasco Drop-Forging Hammer_Hydraulic Oil_Kroger Stahlumformung_ASIN5126
- Lift Truck_Hyster_Hydraulic System_Hydraulic Oil_Brambles_ASIN5058
- Main System_Doors-Ramps-Lifts_Car Carrier_KASSEL_Hydraulic Oil_ASMA7001
- Marine Diesel Eng_ABC 8DZC_Harbour Tug Boat_Eng Lube Oil_ABEILLE_ASMA7025
- Offshore_Hydraulic-Oil-Port-Side-Cranes-Drilling-Rig_ASOF8001UK
- Open Bath Quench_Gear Wheels_Quench Oil_Metso Drives_ASIN5045
- Open Bath Quench_Hardening of Components_Quench Oil_Bodycote_ASIN5092
- Paper Machine_Super Calender_Top Roll_Hydr. Oil_SCA Graphic_ASIN5106
- Plastic Injection Moulder_BILLION_Hydr Oil_Neyr Plastiques_ASIN5073
- Plastic Injection Moulder_BILLION_Hydr Oil_Novaes_CCIN5073
- Plastic Injection Moulder_ENGEL-STORK ST4000-550_Hydr Oil_DPI Dielco_ASIN5046
- Plastic Injection Moulder_KRAUS MAFFEI KM 150-700_Hydr Oil_Bic Violex_ASIN5015
- Plastic Injection Moulder_STORK_Hydraulic Oil_Bianor_ASIN5079
- Power Plant USA_Lube & Control Oil, Combined Cycle-Natural Gas Turbine, GE7FA_ASPO6048
- Quench Bath_Continuous Quenching Line Screws_Quench Oil_KOELNER_ASIN5090
- Quench Oil System_Plate&Frame Heat Exch_Quench Oil_NSK Corp_ASIN5035
- Quench Oven_AICHELIN_Quench Oil_Teeness AS_ASIN5036
- Quenching Plants_Quench Oil_ASIN5034
- Reduction Gear_Reintje_Sand-Pumping Dredger_Gear Oil_VIKING-R_ASMA7016
- Reduction Gear_Ulstein 6000_Reefer Vessel_Gear Oil_LAURITZEN_ASMA7014
- Rotary Vane Vacuum Pumps_Oil Sealed_Vacuum Pump Oil_3M US_ASIN5083
- Rotor Gear_Desmi_Waste Water Treatment_Gear Oil_Svendborg Central_ASIN5049
- Sealing Rings for Hydr. Systems_Honing/Lapping Oil_Trelleborg Sealing_ASIN5103
- Siti Ceramics Press_Hydraulic Oil_AZULEV Ceramica_ASIN5053
- Slewing Gear Drives_Ore Bucket Digger_Gear Oil_CORUS IJmuiden_ASIN5078
- Stainless Steel Wire Manufact_Pleuger_Lube Oil_Inoxfil Barcelona_ASIN5069
- Steam Driven Gas Boiler_Turbo-vane_Turbine Oil_Corus Ijmuiden_ASIN5065
- Steam Turbine ABB 12 MW_Co-generation_Turbine Oil_Stora Enso_ASIN5064
- Steam Turbine_Dresser-Rand 28 MW TG 800_Oil Refinery_Turbine Oil_ASIN5091
- Steam Turbine_Siemens_Turbine Lube Oil_Essent Clauscentrale_ASIN5099
- Steering Gear_RotaryVane_RollsRoyceTenfjord_HydrOil_DANA SIRENA_ASMA7024
- Street Sweeper_Tennant _Hydraulic System_Hydr Oil_Brambles_ASIN5060
- Tap Changer 30 MVA Transformer_Tap Changer Oil_Rimakot Iceland_ASIN5100-UK
- Tap changer oil_Transformer tap changer_Iron Ore_ASIN5119
- Tar- & Naphthalene Distillation_Heat Transfer Oil_Koppers Denmark_ASIN5116
- Thermal Power Plant Huntly 1000MW_Gearbox_Gear Oil_Genesis Energy_ASIN5095
- Urban Waste Management Plant_Steam Turbine, Lube Oil, Siemens SST-400,65 MW_ASPO6051
- Wartsila Main Engine_Platform Supply Vessel_BOURBON_Lube Oil_ASMA7028
- Water Turbine_CKD Blansko_Control System_Turbine Control Oil_Niedzica SA_ASIN5071
- Wind Turbine Gearbox, Nordex-N90 Eickhoff, Gear Oil, Enersis, France & ERG Renew, ASWI9010UK
- Wind Turbine Gearbox,3-stage-planetary/helical, Gear Oil, Flender AG, ASWI9000UK