Rethink your Lube Oil Treatment solution

C.C.JENSEN A/S has after several years research and field tests with major OEMs and ship-owners succeeded in developing new ground-breaking technology, that will disrupt the way to maintain lube oil on 2- and 4-stroke engines operating on both distillate fuels, residual fuels, HFO and other fuels.

Developing technology directed to specific contamination in 2- and 4-stroke engines and to the specific type of fuel used, we are now able to introduce 3 different CJC® Filter Inserts specifically designed to maintain lube oil on:

  • 2 stroke engines
  • 4-stroke engines operating on distillate fuels
  • 4-stroke engines operating on residual fuels/HFO 

OEM demands for cleanliness are fulfilled at the same time as offering an exceptional operational economy to ship-owners.

Typical drivers for retrofitting this new technology is significant savings based on:

  • Up to 60% less oil consumption
  • 99% lube oil sludge reduction
  • 97% energy savings

Contact us to learn what savings the technology can provide on exactly your engine:

Mr. Kim Kjaer, [email protected] 

Customer Cases

Customer Case Report_Sotreq, Norsul Belmonte, Centrifuges vs CJC


Brochures & Guides

Marine Engine Lube Oil Brochure