Automotive plants are highly automated production facilities, and reliable equipment is the key to maintaining a high output. A wide range of sub-systems for production processes and logistics contribute to creating efficient just-in-time flows without holding large stocks, e.g. assembly line tools, hydraulic tools, sheet metal washing and quenching. The high precision and fast cycle times makes it critical to keep the oil clean and dry.
If the complex and varied automotive systems’ oil is not kept clean and dry, you risk expensive down time, loss of efficiency in the supply chain and lower quality products. The hydraulic handling tools used in the assembly line may cause safety risks and endanger planned output if they do not work as intended. If the oil in the sheet metal washing system is not clean, you will see scratches on surfaces and high scrap rates, not to mention the extra wear on the forming tools. In the hardening/quenching plants, oil that is not clean, dry and free from oxidation residues will mean lower quality components, both in terms of visual impression and hardness.
Benefits, installing CJC® Oil Filters
- Keeps your machinery and tools fit for operation
- Maintain high process stability and efficiency
- Ensure product quality
- Reduce risk of unplanned breakdowns and maintenance
- Extend oil lifetime with a factor 3-4
When you install a CJC® Oil Filter solution on your product line, you get a very effective oil filter with the highest dirt capacity suitable for system with high levels of particles or oxidation residues. This way you do not need to stop production untimely to service the oil filter. Technically, CJC® Oil Filter is known for keeping oil clean, dry and without oxidation residues, which is documented over many years and in several thousand industrial installations. When you choose CJC® Oil Filter, you ensure a long lifetime of the tools and systems, reduce maintenance costs and avoid unplanned breakdowns, and you optimize quality. Washing oil lifetime can be extended with a factor 3-4, and you can even monitor from the central monitoring location the condition of your system using the Oil Contamination Monitor (OCM).
Your solutions
Many sizes of CJC® Oil Filters are used for the automotive industry:
- Fine Filters from size HDU 15/12 up to large multi-stay HDU 27/108 series
- Filter Separators from size PTU 15/12 up to PTU3 27/108
- Oil Contamination Monitor, OCM15
Contact us and you will, in close cooperation with our technical sales and product specialists, get the CJC® Oil Filter solutions that fit your oil systems the best.
The CJC® System Solutions fit all automotive systems, and we can deliver globally where required. In close co-operation with technical organizations, we help select the most fitting solution depending on system type and conditions in the environment.